MERFi Support Hub

User Guide | Security Overview | FAQs | Contact


FAQs: Technical and Security Requirements

Is MERFi secure?

Yes, the MERFi platform is HIPAA compliant and features robust security measures. Check the MERFi support hub for a detailed security overview:

What are the minimum system requirements for a session?

Minimum System Requirements

  • Memory (RAM): 4 GB
  • Bandwidth: 500 kbps down / 800 kbps up for 2-party video calls; 1000 kbps down / 1600 kbps up for 3-party video calls; 1500 kbps down / 2400 kbps up for 4-party video calls
  • Firewall Ports: TCP 443, 17990, 17992, 1025-2048, 5060-5061; UDP 443, 50000-65535
  • HD Resolution: Graphics capabilities that support HD resolutions on one or more displays
  • No software installation or local storage required

What devices are recommended?

MERFi is a web-based platform that can be accessed using any device, but we recommend using a device with a larger screen, like a laptop, computer, or tablet. Please check the MERFi support hub for detailed device and browser information:

Additional Questions?

View and download all MERFi support documents by visiting the MERFi support hub:

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