The limited English proficient (LEP) community needs language access in banking. How do you reduce barriers to attract and serve your LEP community? Here are some ideas you can implement quickly. Make it easy to bank with you by making a connection The simple fact is this: 20% of people in the U.S. speak a […]
Financial transactions are daunting; supplying translated banking documents for your limited English proficient (LEP) customers is the single best thing you can do to help them do business with you. LEP consumers face unique challenges in accessing financial products, understanding financial documents, and resolving issues with financial institutions.”— Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) In short, […]
“Lenders and servicers must be required, not merely encouraged, to respond to the needs of LEP consumers with concrete steps to increase access to written and oral assistance. Without action, LEP consumers will continue to face significant barriers in achieving homeownership and saving their homes when they face hardship.” — Nicole Cabañez, Skadden Fellow at […]
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