Category: Healthcare/Medical Interpreting

Help protect the well-being of your medical interpreting staff with these tips.
Medical ASL interpreters allow deaf and HoH patients to take control of their healthcare by providing the context and clarity that patients and providers need to have constructive conversations.
Accurate medical interpretation and translation services facilitate clear communication, understanding, and trust between patients and healthcare providers.
Video remote interpreting (VRI) is a convenient and secure service that helps improve care outcomes by enhancing provider-patient discussions.
Quality medical interpretation is crucial for overcoming language discordance and delivering equitable, effective healthcare.

Medical interpreters are essential in ensuring that communication between healthcare providers and patients who speak a language other than English is accurate. This can be challenging because of linguistic and cultural barriers, but with the expertise of an experienced medical interpreter, patients are able to communicate their needs, concerns, and preferences, and healthcare providers are […]

It can be tricky to figure out what vital medical documents you’re supposed to translate and in which languages. In this post, we break down what a vital document is, how to determine which of your documents are vital and which aren’t, and how to identify what languages you need to translate vital documents into.

In May 2019, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed revisions to regulations under Section 1557, the nondiscrimination provision of the Affordable Care Act.  In June 2020, HHS released their final rule, which repealed several protections regarding language access. We recently attended a webinar hosted by the National Council on Interpreting in […]

We talk a lot about CMS testing season, but CMS, the organization, is A LOT bigger than that. Get a feel for its history and the impact it has on millions of Americans.
Closing your eyes and choosing an interpreting services company at random won't cut it for CMS test call season. Vet your LSP the right way by asking these questions.
Just like other professions in the medical field, healthcare interpreters aren't static. Read on to find out more.
A closer look at how one healthcare system in Texas rethought their interpreting options to better assist patients during COVID.