We Love Stuffing, We Hate Turkey, and We’re Thankful for YOU

Group of friends gathering to share what they are thankful for and toasting to each other
Group of friends gathering to share what they are thankful for and toasting to each other

In 2018, nearly 55 million people in the U.S. hit the road and headed to Grandma’s house, or a friend’s condo, or their roommate’s parents’ house to celebrate Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday centered around gratitude; traditionally it’s a time to relax and toast a successful harvest season.

This has morphed over the years, of course, as we are no longer driven solely by agriculture, but our motivation to gather and eat with the people we care about most still holds true. It’s of note that this motivation is not isolated to certain regions, such as the U.S. or Canada. Several cultures partake in their own harvest festivals and holidays rooted in togetherness and thankfulness.    

And while Thanksgiving is a complicated holiday, not only due to its history, but also for the congealed salads, we’re taking this opportunity to focus on what we’re thankful for. Because regardless of whether or not you take part in the festivities, it’s always nice to honor what’s good in the world and your small part in it.

Bonus: Read until the end to see what CLI’s most and least favorite Thanksgiving Day foods are!

What are you thankful for, CLI?

Coworkers, comrades, communities

“I’m thankful to be a part of a company that helps out communities and one where people have a voice and can be heard. Without interpreters, LEP (limited English proficient) individuals or refugees would be lost in an information void. We help bridge that gap and provide avenues to eliminate frustration and confusion, and we enjoy doing it. That is something I can get behind!”

–Paige, Interpreter Services

“I personally don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but I’m thankful for the gift of life each day. Having the opportunity to keep loving the people close to me and being present in each moment is something I will never take for granted.”

–Zana, Interpreter Services

“I know it sounds cliché, but I’m really thankful that I have good people in my life that take care of me. That includes my family at home and my coworkers at CLI.”

–Donna, IT

“I’m most grateful to know so many beautiful people in my life, and to have continuous opportunities to learn and grow.”

–Brie, Interpreter Services

“I am most thankful for working in an organization that allows employees to be themselves.”

–Elizabeth, Human Resources

Here’s to your health!

“My health and inner peace.”

–Baha, Interpreter Services

“I am thankful for my good health and that I have built an amazing family out here in Oregon, including people I love at CLI, and that I know I can count on them to be there for me just as I can on my family back in Maine.”

–Kevin, Sales

“I would probably have to say that I’m thankful for my health, being able to rekindle interest in past ventures, and to have the chance to explore new, exciting opportunities!”

–Rochelle, Communications

“Something I am thankful for this year is that I am happy, healthy, and surrounded by the ones I love the most.”

–Yer, Accounting

All the pets

“MY DOGS!! I loooove them. Also Jay and my fiancée Alex. They’re pretty important, and I love them too.”

–Kelsey, Translations

“I am thankful for cats, my cats, other people’s cats, and especially cat videos.”

– Jen, Communications

“Adopting my sweet girl Harley.” [insert pic of Harley]

–Karina, Operations

Everything in between

“I’m most thankful for Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland for creating Rick and Morty and finally getting season 4 underway.”

–Juan, Interpreter Services

“I’m thankful for GoT. I am on the last episode today. It’s kept me busy!”

–Jeni, Client Relations

“I’m thankful for my dishwasher. (I’m serious.)”

–Lee, Human Resources

“The fact that my 2000 Nissan Sentra is still going strong.”

–Doriana, Interpreter Services

“That I don’t have to endure Minnesota winters.”

–Corissa, Translations

“Rock-and-roll music!”

–John, Interpreter Services

“My family started training Brazilian jiu-jitsu this year, and I am super grateful for the impact that has had in my life. It has taught me a ton about myself and given me a source of confidence and pride. The people in BJJ have provided an insane community of supportive friends. They are definitely a second family.”

–Aaron, Human Resources

What’s for dinner?

Polled very scientifically over the course of a few days — in the hallways, after meetings, etc. — CLI employees reveal their most and least favorite Thanksgiving Day fare.

Honorable mentions: Pumpkin cheesecake, sweet potato pie, pecan pie, brussels sprouts with bacon, corn and oysters, cheesy potatoes, vegetable lasagna, prime rib

Why do we still serve these? Waldorf salad, glorified rice, tomato aspic, tomato pudding, Jell-O fruit salad, asparagus surprise

We can’t promise you turkey, but we can promise you great content. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date on everything language.

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