Tag: Language Education

CLI's QA lead and certified Spanish interpreter Marisol attends Linguist Education Online's conference and shares her insights from the event.
Pride is a month-long celebration commemorating the Stonewall riots of 1969. Even though we've come a long way since then, more needs to be done to ensure equality for all.
Black American Sign Language (BASL) is a vibrant language that has existed on the fringe for far too long. Now, Black Deaf youth are changing that. Read about the history of BASL along with an interview with ASL interpreter Rashana.
The history of language interpreting hasn't been explored in depth, but what we do know is clear: Interpreters have played a vital role throughout history.
The one thing we can count on: coronavirus isn't going away anytime soon. So how do we navigate this "new normal" both now and afterward? This is the first post in our series exploring how language access professionals can prepare for the future of coronavirus.

In late February at a press briefing, officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) addressed concerns and answered questions about novel coronavirus (or COVID-19). CDC spokesperson Benjamin Haynes stated that it’s not a matter of “if” the new virus will see community spread throughout the United States, but “when.” And indeed he […]

We found two inspiring stories about intrepid women interpreters, past and present, who have played important roles in facilitating communication between people and cultures. Let’s explore part of their journeys. La Malinche, Nahuatl and Yucatec Maya interpreter The history of the conquest of Mexico cannot be told without including the role of Doña Marina, a […]

You worked hard to ensure your organization has interpreting services. The problem? No one is using them. The solution? Language access materials.
Many industries use specialized acronyms, and guess what? The language industry is no different. Check out the most common ones, and let us know which ones we missed!
Languages such as Juda Arabic, Zapotec, and Kissi are common enough to be included in CLI's language list. Learn more about these less common dialects.
The complex subject of language access can raise a lot of questions from your staff. Find out how to answer some common questions with confidence.

Certified Languages International Study Shows Nationwide Shift In Non-English Speaking Population Portland, Ore.-based language services company measures most frequently spoken languages PORTLAND, Ore. (February 3, 2015) – A recent study conducted by Certified Languages International (CLI) found shifts in the non-English languages spoken throughout the nation, including the growth of Arabic and Chinese Cantonese. “Assessing […]