Tag: Interpreter Tips

Help protect the well-being of your medical interpreting staff with these tips.
Often how information is presented is just as important as what the information is. This is why, after 25+ years of interpreting filled with many difficult conversations, I am convinced now more than ever that to truly excel in our profession, we must learn the subtle techniques of tone and inflection matching.
The first-of-its-kind, highly anticipated textbook for remote interpreters is here, and we can't get enough.
Interpreting for the aging population can be challenging for a myriad of reasons. Some can’t hear well, some speak very softly, and some have health conditions that render them difficult to understand. Remember the 6 As to ensure these interactions go smoothly!
Helen examines the through line of impartiality in her personal and professional life as an interpreter.
Telephone interpreting is not isolated to the telephone anymore! You may end up interpreting over a video call, and we've got some tips to help you through it.
Remote interpreters, what gives you nightmares?! Is it The Jokester? The Dreadful Disruptor? The Ghost Caller? All three?!
Do you enjoy interpreting for minors or does the thought of it send you running for the hills? If you're in the latter category, we've got a few tweaks that could help you change your tune.
If you're curious about becoming a certified medical interpreter, read this! And catch the interview with a recent certified interpreter.
Pride is a month-long celebration commemorating the Stonewall riots of 1969. Even though we've come a long way since then, more needs to be done to ensure equality for all.
Mental health interactions, like other interpreting scenarios, require interpreting know-how and a solid understanding of the code of professional ethics.