International Translation Day: Celebrating an Art Worth Protecting International Translation Day is an opportunity to honor the work done by professional translators and language professionals to facilitate conversations, unite nations, and foster peace throughout the globe.
Whichever section of the city you’re in, there’s somewhere perfect for you. Let CLI help you explore Portland’s refreshments! Take a look at some of our favorite places to eat or grab a drink.
CLI’s leadership shares books they love — and why they love them — about true interpreter stories, patient activists, honing management skills, and a postmodern fairy tale.
It's September, and you know what that means! Pumpkins, leaves, and back to...virtual school. We sit down with two CLI moms to get their take on being parents, full-time employees, and teachers.
While we here in Portland, Oregon, enjoy another luxurious 81-degree day, our coworkers in Phoenix, Arizona, tell us what actual, real heat is like for them.
We're thankful for friends, family, our health, and . . . Rick and Morty. Read on to see what other CLI team members held near and dear to their hearts this year.
Rudy, the canine office manager, helps to decrease stress and raise spirits. Learn about the many benefits of including furry friends in your work environment.