Eight indigenous languages of Latin America — including Akateko, K’iche’, Mam, and Navajo — are spoken by millions yet often overlooked. This article explores their rich histories and why access to interpreters is so vital for indigenous speakers living in the U.S.
International Translation Day: Celebrating an Art Worth Protecting International Translation Day is an opportunity to honor the work done by professional translators and language professionals to facilitate conversations, unite nations, and foster peace throughout the globe.
Whichever section of the city you’re in, there’s somewhere perfect for you. Let CLI help you explore Portland’s refreshments! Take a look at some of our favorite places to eat or grab a drink.
Interpreting, perhaps especially ASL interpreting, is more than a job. It’s a lifestyle. And Pride is so personal for so many of us, it adds an extra layer of emotion and energy. How selfless of them to show up in the name of accessibility.
Libraries are a safe haven for everyone, especially underserved populations. Anyone can learn, meet, or just enjoy a quiet, safe place. Art happened upon one shortly after immigrating to the States, and it changed his life. Read how.